Widget v2.0
Read on setting up widget
It is required to use widget v2.0 to provide the KYC information which are sensitive and cannot be updated via KYC API. You need to follow the steps mentioned below to initialize and setup the widget v2.0.
To initialize the widget, you will need to first generate a Widget Token, which will only be valid for a certain time period. You will need to pass this token along with the Sender ID to widget initialization snippets.
GET /v2/senders/{senderId}/widget-token
Field | Required | Type | Description |
token | Response | String | Token Details |
senderId | Yes | UUID | User ID |
expiry_minutes | Response | Numeric | Token validity time |
1. Include the Widget Script
2. Create a div where widget needs to be placed.
3. Initialize the Widget
Property Name | Required | Type | Description |
elementId | Yes | String | Target element where widget will be rendered. |
senderId | Yes | String |
width | Yes | Standard Size Dimension eg. 100px, 100%, 100em | Width of widget |
height | Yes | Standard Size Dimension e.g. 100px, 100%, 100em | Height of widget |
type | Yes | String | Type of Widget.
locale | No | String | By default, this is set to English, For Korean pass ko and for English pass en. If left blank or invalid locale is sent it will fall back to default language. |
stylesheet | No | URL | This stylesheet will override the default design of the widget. |
token | Yes | String | Unique Token that needs to be generated using Generate Widget Token API. |
version | Yes | String | 1.0 is the default value. To use version 2.0 please include the version number in the script. |
fields | Yes | String | The kyc fields provided will be rendered by the widget. To render multiple fields, fields will be concatenated and delimited by a pipe '|' character. |
4. Add an Event Handler
Widget will trigger an event anytime there is changes in a resource. To listen to the events generated by the widget include below code snippet.
Event Name | Widget Type | Description |
KYC FIELD FOUR_DIGIT_SSN SUBMITTED | kyc | Four digit SSN has been submitted by the user. |
KYC FIELD FULL_DIGIT_SSN SUBMITTED | kyc | Full SSN has been submitted by the user. |
KYC FIELD ID_INFO SUBMITTED | kyc | ID details have been submitted by the user. |
KYC FIELD PROOF_OF_ADDRESS SUBMITTED | kyc | Proof of address document has been submitted by the user. |
KYC FIELD SOURCE_OF_FUND SUBMITTED | kyc | Source of fund details have been submitted by the user. |
Last updated