Expired ID Documents

Details on how to handle expired ID

A user must submit a VALID ID document in order for the ID document to be verified. If the user's ID document expires, the user will not be verified for the transaction limit and tier for which the ID is required.

If a user's ID document is expiring within 15 days, you will receive 'sender_document_expiring_soon' webhook once which you can use to notify the user. When the latest ID document of a user expires, you will receive 'sender_document_expired' webhook and 'document.expiry_status' will be EXPIRED when you fetch ID document details via our API. Once the ID document expires, the KYC status/tier of the sender may change based on the sender's tier before ID expires AND your CIP requirement for ID. The matrix below provides details on how the sender will be affected and the next steps need to be taken to collect ID of the user.

Sender is in Tier 1

Sender is in Tier 2

Sender is in Tier 3

ID required in Tier 1

KYC status will be moved to DOCUMENT_REQUESTED with a comment that the ID has expired. Please load widget with kyc type to collect new ID.

Users will be downgraded to Tier 1 and KYC status will be moved to DOCUMENT_REQUESTED with a comment that the ID has expired. Please load widget with kyc type to collect new ID.

Users will be downgraded to Tier 1 and KYC status will be moved to DOCUMENT_REQUESTED with a comment that the ID has expired. Please load widget with kyc type to collect new ID.

ID required in Tier 2

No changes in the user unless a Tier 2 request is pending. If tier request for 2 is pending, Tier 2 request will be moved to RETRY with comment. Please load widget with tier type.

Users will be downgraded to Tier 1 and Tier 2 requests will be in RETRY status. Please load widget with tier type.

Users will be downgraded to Tier 1 and Tier 2 requests will be in RETRY status. Please load widget with tier type.

ID required in Tier 3

No changes in the user.

No changes in the user unless a Tier 3 request is pending. If tier request for 3 is pending, Tier 3 request will be moved to RETRY with comment. Please load widget with tier type.

Users will be downgraded to Tier 2 and Tier 3 requests will be in RETRY status. Please load widget with tier type.

Last updated

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