Add a Recipient

Read on how to add a receive user

This API allows you to add a Recipient for given Sender. You will need to provide recipient’s basic information via this API. The response contains a unique Recipient ID that you can store on your end.

The field available_payout_methods shows the list of payout method that are available from the recipient while creating a transaction. For a recipient to be eligible for BANK_DEPOSIT orCASH_PICKUP or WALLET or HOME_DELIVERY, available_payout_methods must contain the payout method.

  1. BANK_DEPOSIT is enabled by default for all receivers and they can receive the amount if their bank information is added.

  2. For a recipient to be eligible for CASH_PICKUP the field enable_cash_pickup must be set to true while creating or updating the recipient. If the enable_cash_pickup is set to true, additional information about the receiver which were optional may be required based on the receiver's country.

  3. If you have been approved for Mobile Wallet,WALLET is enabled for all the applicable receivers.

  4. If you have been approved for Home Delivery, HOME_DELIVERY is enabled for all the receivers.

POST /v2/senders/{{senderId}}/recipients

Last updated